Look forward to the future of Sung Jin.

Our Mission

Coming together is beginning; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success - Henry Ford

In 2013, Sung Jin came up with the management slogan: ‘Together, We Can’. Under the slogan, despite a unfavorable condition of the global economy and a market uncertainty, Sung Jin gained momentum for a business expansion in overseas with a strong sales in the worldwide headwear markets. The word of “Together” means not only the one company, but it means to us that all people having our products are satisfied and happy together. The family of Sung Jin, therefore,  contains every employee and all the clients working with us together. Confidently saying, Sung Jin has grown over 20 years with this kind of philosophy in competting domestic and foreign headwear manufacturers. We highly value our slogan, “Together, We Can”.


We believe no one is perfect as individuals, and a great idea comes from a team communication.


We treat our customers with a genuine heart as if it belongs to my family.


We stay closely connected to our customers by understanding their deepest needs and desires.


We challenge to find a new innovative design, material and way of production to compete among the worldwide headwear manufacturers.

Let's work together! Join our client list now.